We have known for some time that mobility and indeed physical activity relates to brain health promotion. Studies indicate a relationship between aerobic exercise and enhanced cognition, learning, and even alleviation of mood disorder. Animal studies have demonstrated a link between running and new brain cell development (neurogenesis) in the hippocampus, a structure critical to learning and memory.
Dr. Fred Gage and colleagues have begun to describe the underlying mechanisms of this relationship between physical exercise and brain morphology and function. By manipulating levels of specific proteins in the brains of mice it has been determined that this can have an affect on control of stem cell division which can lead to development of new neurons. It is thought that with advanced age these stem cells are less responsive.
One protein known as bone-morhogenetic protein or BMP seems to reduce the activity of these stem cells and may fuel adverse effects of natural aging. However, exercise seems to counter some of the deleterious effects of proteins such as BMP according to Gage. Mice provided access to a running wheel had 50% less BMP-related brain activity within a week (a positive thing). The mice also demonstrated an increase in another protein known as “noggin” that acts to block BMP. Noggin has been related to mice doing better on cognitive tasks such as maze learning.
These findings underscore the importance in humans to be physically active by walking, jogging, swimming, biking, etc. We do not yet know the exact dosing of such activity, but the main message is to get active today.